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+30 2310 220 820

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Our lawyers are specialized in the complex problems that employers or employees face, as well as domestic or multinational companies that employ or are going to employ personnel in Greece.

Indeed, we are the ultimate choice of the persons above, in order to address the practical and legal issues they face with the finding and management of staff in Greece and internationally as well as the relations created by the employees with Greek and foreign employers. 

Therefore, our office provides full legal advice on issues caused by recruitment or secondment of staff, all kinds of employment contracts, employers' obligations, employees' rights and obligations, termination of the employment relationship and the settlement of industrial relations in business transfer cases. 

In the difficult circumstances of causing an accident at work and following the general principle of our Civil and Criminal Code for the protection it provides to a worker who has suffered such an accident, we receive timely every step so that the liable employer pays indemnity for the non-material damage or the damage/loss and any mental suffering (in the case of death) to the relatives concerned; while at the same time reinforcing the defendant's accusations in the light of criminal liability for physical damage from negligence (302PK) or manslaughter through negligence (299PK).

Thus, in case of accidents at work, our team is standing next to the worker who will suffer such a defect by means of procedural capabilities and the exercise of judicial or extrajudicial means of securing the claim and obtaining the highest possible compensation for the victim and his family, whether it concerns an insurance company in which such a risk is insured or an employer - private individual.

By quite simply combining the Law along with the Strategy, the services to our principals are classified as the highest possible level of judicial and extra-judicial representation.

The team of our lawyers is the means for merely a few who have a single goal, and that is to prevail upon the procedural adversary.